Wednesday, April 7, 2010

We Scout Wednesday - My Favorite Artist

Earlier today, I tried responding to "We Scout Wednesday" and unexpectedly found myself struggling.  Tara asked us to share a favorite artist, crafter, or blog.  Initially I was very excited because my list of favorite artists and blogs is tremendous in length and continually expanding.  However, when I sat down and tried to write I found my writing lacked heart.  I deleted my post and moved on with my day.

My day wrapped up by going on a date with my husband.  This is a rare occasion as it seems that we never want to leave our nine month old daughter.  But tonight we took the advise of a good friend, handed our baby over, and headed out to dinner, just the two of us.  There it dawned on me, in the quietness of our dinner and drinks.  Right across the booth from me, my favorite artist was staring me in the face.  No wonder my heart wasn't in my writing earlier today, I was looking beyond the obvious.

Now don't get me wrong, I don't just love his work because he is my husband, and I'm not trying to get free publicity here either.  I generally love my husband's work.  In fact, I'm his biggest critic, and often tell him exactly what I think.  Don't believe me?  Just ask him!  I think the reason his art touches me on such a deep level is because I love him dearly, but more so it's because I have seen his work evolve and grow over the past eight years.  My goodness, has it really been that long?

When you live with a person, and truly know a person, their art speaks to you on a deeper level.  This may sound cliche, but when you see the processes and thoughts that go into an artwork you are able to understand it more fully.  Because of this, I think Josh's art will always be my favorite.  Well, maybe until my daughter starts creating art; and in that scenario, I predict I'll have two favorites.

Josh just set up a new Etsy shop called Flicker Ceramic.  I do hope that you too will fall in love with his work as much as I have fallen for him and all the beautiful ceramics he creates.


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